2024 Edition


“Indigenous” or “lost” crops are hidden treasures of our ecosystem, possessing immense potential to address global challenges such as food security, climate change, and biodiversity conservation.

These plants require fewer resources, are more pest-resistant, and are richer in nutrients than dominant crops, making them sustainable and effective solutions to food insecurity.

For Africa Days 2024, we have chosen to highlight these issues with the theme: Lost Crops, New Opportunities: Securing our Future with the Crops of the Past.

The event will bring together civil society organizations (from producers to consumer associations and researchers), state representatives, donors, businesses, and more.

Our objective: to debate, exchange, and promote lost crops among stakeholders and consumers.

This seventh edition will also feature the launch of the Alliance of African Cultures, a coalition of public and private partners dedicated to promoting, valuing, and developing marginalized crops with high potential on the African continent.

To achieve the Alliance’s objectives and highlight the richness of food biodiversity, Africa Days 2024 will contribute to:

  • Raising awareness of the issues surrounding forgotten African crops.
    Mobilizing partners to promote high-potential value chains on the African continent.
  • Creating a committed community to improve the global food system and recognize indigenous crops on the continent.
  • Encouraging the consumption of local products, thereby promoting ecosystem regeneration and the protection of Africa’s natural heritage.

It’s time to foster a new sustainable food system for the well-being of future generations and the planet!


Pre-Forum 9-10 mai

réservé aux partenaires de terrain
A partir d’expériences réussies, les participants ont réfléchi ensemble aux deux questions ci-dessous : 1) Comment développer des projets Grande Muraille Verte impactants et qui suscitent l’intérêt des investisseurs ? - 2) Quels mécanismes pour connecter les porteurs de projets et les investisseurs ?

Forum 16 mai

à Abidjan en présentiel et en ligne
Des experts représentant la société civile, les investisseurs (publics et privés), la GMV... ont partagé leur expérience et répondu aux 2 questions suivantes : 1) Comment développer des projets Grande Muraille Verte impactants et qui suscitent l’intérêt des investisseurs ? - 2 ) Quels mécanismes pour connecter les porteurs de projets et les investisseurs ?

Conférence 28 octobre

à Dakar et en ligne
Table ronde autour de 3 thèmes : – Comment développer une filière en valorisant les potentiels des territoires ? – Comment faciliter la professionnalisation des producteurs et productrices ? – Quels services (amont et aval) sont nécessaires pour encourager la production et le développement de la filière ?

Gala 28 octobre

Le Gala a eu lieu au Pullman Dakar Teranga, en soutien aux producteurs et productrices de fonio au sud-est du Sénégal.

Plus d'informations

TEMOIGNAGES DES " CHAMPIONS " de LA grande muraille verte


Le fonio, graine d'avenir pour le Sahel

Side Event: “Trees of Life” Exhibition by photographer Nicolas Henry (June 5 to July 1 at the French Institute of Senegal in Dakar): This exhibition features iconic nourishing trees from Senegal and Chad, echoing the Pan-African Great Green Wall project.

Mobilization Day (June 27 – French Institute, Dakar)

  • Roundtables: Presentations by regional and international partners and experts to discuss the issues of forgotten crops.
  • Gastronomic Tastings: Discovering forgotten African cereals and fruits through a unique culinary experience.
    Launch of the Alliance of African Cultures: Presentation of the vision of this new initiative to promote the value chains of forgotten African crops.

Co-construction Day (June 28 – Pullman Dakar Teranga Hotel)

  • Roundtables: Presentations and debates to promote forgotten crops.
  • Workshops: Small group discussions focusing on fonio, bambara groundnut, baobab fruit, and food biodiversity, fostering exchanges among value chain actors.
  • Presentation of Action Recommendations for the Alliance of African Cultures.

Gala Evening (June 28 – Pullman Dakar Teranga Hotel)

  • Gala Dinner and Concert: A prestigious evening concluding the Africa Days, gathering key partners.


Ensemble pour réaliser la Grande Muraille Verte
Investissons dans les initiatives locales !

Le Forum a réuni des experts représentant la société civile, les investisseurs (publics et privés), la Grande Muraille Verte, etc… Les intervenants ont partagé leur expérience et répondu aux 2 questions suivantes :
1 – Comment développer des projets Grande Muraille Verte impactant et qui suscitent l’intérêt des investisseurs ?
2 – Quels mécanismes pour connecter les porteurs de projets et les investisseurs ?


Africa Days 2024 Program

Africa Days 2024 will open with the “Arbres de Vie” exhibition by photographer Nicolas Henry.

Side Event: Exhibition of "Trees of Life" from June 5 to July 1, 2024

French Institute Dakar

Side Event: Exhibition of "Trees of Life" from June 5 to July 1, 2024

Exhibition of iconic nourishing trees from Senegal and Chad, echoing the Pan-African Great Green Wall project
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Forum: June 27 - Mobilization Day in Dakar

Institut Français de Dakar

Forum: June 27 - Mobilization Day in Dakar

Roundtables: Presentations by regional and international partners and experts to discuss the issues of forgotten crops. Gastronomic Tastings: Discovering forgotten African cereals and fruits through a unique culinary experience. Launch of the Alliance of African Cultures: Presentation of the vision of this new initiative to promote the value chains of forgotten African crops.
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Forum: June 28, co-construction day

Pullman Dakar Teranga Hotel

Forum: June 28, co-construction day

Roundtables: Presentations and debates to promote forgotten crops. Workshops: Small group discussions focusing on fonio, bambara groundnut, baobab fruit, and food biodiversity, fostering exchanges among value chain actors. Presentation of Action Recommendations for the Alliance of African Cultures.
Plus d'informations

Gala : june 28

Pullman Dakar Teranga Hotel

Charity gala

A gala dinner and concert featuring various artists* will conclude the Africa Days, gathering key partners

Le forum et une market 28 mai

Comment mobiliser les investissements pour développer les territoires sahéliens ?

Le forum donnera la parole aux acteurs de terrain pour témoigner de la diversité des expériences en cours dans les territoires de la Grande Muraille Verte, et considérer avec une large gamme de partenaires techniques, institutionnels et du secteur privé, la nature des investissements attendus et les mécanismes de leur mise à disposition des acteurs sahéliens.

Le gala 28 mai

Un gala au Pullman à Dakar, clôturera les Africa Days 2021.

Au programme : remise des prix aux trois équipes lauréates de l’Agri-Hackathon et concert avec nos fidèles artistes Didier Awadi et Cheick Tidiane Seck.

Gum Arabic, Sahelian Gold

Improving the gum arabic value chain structure to increase the income of local communities Since 2009, SOS SAHEL has been working on a gum tree

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Fonio, The Sahel’s Super Grain

Fostering new economic opportunities and improving the resilience of communities This project aims to boost the economic development of fonio, an essential cereal for food

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Gum Arabic, Sahelian Gold

Improving the gum arabic value chain structure to increase the income of local communities Since 2009, SOS SAHEL has been working on a gum tree

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Fonio, The Sahel’s Super Grain

Fostering new economic opportunities and improving the resilience of communities This project aims to boost the economic development of fonio, an essential cereal for food

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